Wednesday, September 10, 2008

GK3 Korean tracking it down

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I saw this yesterday and freaked out a litte. Its true... its DAMN TRUE! Korea did get there own special version of GK3. I am digging hard and deep to acquire it.

韩国 The search goes on

While searching I found a MMO game based on GK era. At first I thought it sounded cool through a translator and my little knowledge of kanji. Then I found the website. Oh man... does that look like a bag of fail.

Juk Sa the 15 year old Tangut couldn't do squat to a filthy half beaten Aybak from the Slave Dynasty. Then "Simone" the turk with her mystical butterfly wings ;->

I noted the AD&D rip off stats & enemies. Then the SW/DW game play and level design.

It was a sad moment for this retro gamer. Hill Giants, Giant Scorpians, Butterfly winged Necromancers from Turkey?

Then again I never played it( and I never will) and if you like WOW & the genghis khan series this is probably the game for you.

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