Monday, September 15, 2008

Feedback for additional content


Ah... a breath of fresh air... new content within an old game. Who would have thought this would be skull cracking and tedious.

My first concern is being accurate and not breaking the game. The only way to be accurate is to read books, wikis, and offical Koei stuff through a translator and balance it all out. Not breaking the game? Testing... constant testing.

Its fun sometimes but very time consuming. I love to read about the exact scenario dates (1185-1189, 1206-1226, 1271-1304) and persons of game interest. If you have any book suggestions to share please do so.

The biggest pains are what portrait to use, fair and balanced stats, and where to place in the game to get it to work( if you have any suggestions on rom hacking tutorials about rom resizing and adding content without breaking game I'd like to see them). I am also considering taking out personas that hold no value in the game. Like Nizami(he blows and is old and why should he have a spot that can be filled with a more interesting person)

This is where you die hard retro gamers can chime in and assist me without actually testing the game or opening a hex editor. I'd appreciate very much some feedback on these stats. These are not set in stone and intelligent feedback will help me reconsider. I am not listing everything I've already added. You'll have to find it yourself when v1 or the beta is released.

Here is a number of historical personas I am planning on putting in the game.
(Port is the value of his portrait)

Innocent 3 (1161-1216) Pol A War E Lead E Charm B BP 10 Port 6E Location 30 S1206
I was toying with the idea of putting Innocent in charge of a number of countries(could still work as a fan mod of S1206). As the Pope was the real ruler power at the time. He was a lawyer before becoming Pope and his nickname is "the lawmaker". He made alot of thing happen and changed things. His military badgering and crusade affairs were horrors and failures. What Pope uses underhand... ahem clever military tactics? Leads the van? Not this one. Two ways to see his role in game. (sans the fan mod)

Catholic rule over the world! With one of the greatest Popes ever to have as a political advisor by your side you smash the barbarians of the world, install you son as the king of Jerusalem, backhand that chump named Genghis, and sort out the affairs of who the real prophet of god was...


The ultimate victory over Christians(in game) would be to take Jerusalem and Rome. Have the Pope as your puppet or better yet your loyal advisor( or whatever you want you scourge of god)!

Guy Lusignan, King of Jerusalem/Cyprus (1150-1195) Pol C War E Lead D Charm B BP 8 Port ?? Location ?? S1185
Guy(pronounced GEE) is often protrayed as a spoiled turd of a man who got his foot in the door to the title of King of Jerusalem. He was most probably the cause of Saladin's ease of victory against the armies of Jerusalem. Is Guy 100% useless? Nah... he is in 1185 the King. He was an ally and a chess peice for Richard I. He could be a symbolic figure to marry your daughter off on and toss in a back country. I think he'd be fun to execute! His placement is a difficult one as there is no Jerusalem in game just 16-Syria.
--I am thinking about giving Guy 16 in 1185 with Reynard as his advisor and piss poor troops/moral/arms and giving Saladin what he had in Syria in Egyqt and making Al-Adil his advisor(giving him a red carpet to smash Guy.The problem with doing that is there is no seperate kingdom code for 16 syria its always with Egypt in the three world scenarios.
Conrad of Monferrat(wiki says 1145/Koei says 1152-1192) Pol C War C Lead B Charm C BP11 Port ?? Location Isaacius2 general roster S1185
He is actually in GK4 his stats are good to (Pol71Combat85Intel82 Military -ABBC). Isaacius 2's brother in law through marriage and skillfully edged his way to become the next king of Jerusalem after Guy's death. Unfortunely, he had alot of enemies and was feared among many Muslims. His men killed and stole from the Hash assassins and in 1192 they killed him. -Also note the fact that he killed Byzantine general Branas after Branas revolted and he was within Isaacius's court in 1185 its a no brainer where his placement should be in game.
---I've added Conrad successfully in game see screen shot---

Tomoe Gozen (1157-1247) Pol E War B Lead B Charm B BP11 Port CC Location 11 S1185
"Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors." —Tale of the Heike
With appearances by Robin Hood and Ivanjo in GK2/3 and so many other personalities that are probably imaginary in GK4 she would be a nice addition to both the general list and the wife list! She is a wife in the PSX remake and has max wife stats making her the best female in game(yes she is better then borte). Hey, you can even marry your daughter off... on... erm...

Rashid Al-din Sinan(????-1194) Pol C War C Lead C Charm C BP 12 Port ?? Location 16 S1185
The Bin Laden of scenario 1. "Old man on the mountain" leading of the hash assassins. A evil sect of bud smoking killers and makers of terror. Saladin hated them with a passion. Hugalu Khan wiped them out. This guy was the standard on which all "assassin guilds" and writs were writen. Sans the dope and the radical "I am the messiah of the apocalypse" speak. He'd be a cool villian to execute... or marry your daughter off on...

--edit--- I'll be back tomorrow to finish this up/add more
Humphery IV of Toron Pol War Lead Charm BP Port ?? Location ?? S1206
Balien of Ibelin Pol War Lead Charm BP Port ?? Location ?? S1206
Henry of Champagne of Toron Pol War Lead Charm BP Port ?? Location ?? S1206
Leopold of Austria

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Children of the Hex


Our model and experiment will be the son of Saladin and a computer generated wive I named "Taqii Oh"(through editing the save state). The son's name is Sartaq.
I will base and bounce information off of Genghis Khan's four sons and Sartaq's three brothers "Abdullah", "Saphur", & "Baldwin-5". Abdullah and Baldwin are from a mother who will remain nameless and Saphur is Saphina's son.

Note: Within each mother is traits that will give great scores in certain stats. Saphina give good Charm and Leadership to her children.
Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24
Sartaq's values
24 23 0f 50 F0

Alright... we have six values(bytes). The last byte looks like the portrait byte. To test I'll change Jochi's value to 18 which I believe is Despina's portrait... wat no change... alright changing to CC
BINGO Value five is portrait!

Since I don't want a typical portrait for Sartaq and F0 is what all his brothers have... I'll change it to AA.
WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE! URGH! I'll change that value quick...

Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24
Sartaq's values
24 23 0f 50 AA

The first value "18", "16" and "24". Jochi is 24 and Jagatai is 22 years of age. So I can see this as being an age value. Ogedei has a 14 value and he is 20 years old.
Gkhan's kids Age "1st value/byte"
Jochi 24 "18"
Jagatai 22 "16"
Ogedei 20 "14"
Tolui 14 "0E"

Saladin's kids Age "1st value/byte"
Abdullah 2 "02"
Saphur 1 "01"
Baldwin5 1 "01"
Sartaq 0 "00"

To test I'll change Sartaq's value to 0A. It works. I did the same for Baldin 5/Saphur and they were ten.

I'll have to use Saphur as the model now.

We know Saphur's mother is Saphina. We know from a chinese faq that Saphina gives LEAD/CHARM.
Yep, confirm. So now we know his stats and Gkhan's sons. We can see which one they are in the other three values.
(added sixth value)
Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23 00
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24 00
Saphur's values
0A 22 34 05 E0 28(I changed his port from f0 to 28/ his age from 1 to 10)

Joti's second value is his Pol/War(see Dave's guide below). No doubt! His third value is his Lead/Charm.

Saphur values validate this theory.

Remember the guide given to us from Dave for Pol/War Lead/Charm

77 -- 9/9 (glitched again, but still higher than 66)
66 -- (glitched visually, shows nothing.. still higher than */* though)
55 -- */*
54 -- A/*
53 -- B/*
52 -- C/*
51 -- D/*
50 -- E/*
45 -- */A
44 -- A/A
43 -- B/A
42 -- C/A
41 -- D/A
40 -- E/A
35 -- */B
34 -- A/B
33 -- B/B
32 -- C/B
31 -- D/B
30 -- E/B
25 -- */C
24 -- A/C
23 -- B/C
22 -- C/C
21 -- D/C
20 -- E/C
15 -- */D
14 -- A/D
13 -- B/D
12 -- C/D
11 -- D/D
10 -- E/D
05 -- */E
04 -- A/E
03 -- B/E
02 -- C/E
01 -- D/E
00 -- E/E

Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24
Saphur's values
0A 22 34 05 E0

Lets see values 1, 2, 3, and 5/6 are all acounted for. The fourth value would have to be body points.

Dave's guide for body points...
FF -- 15/15
EE -- 14/14
DD -- 13/13
CC -- 12/12
BB -- 11/11
AA -- 10/10
99 -- 9/9
88 -- 8/8
77 -- 7/7
66 -- 6/6
55 -- 5/5
44 -- 4/4
33 -- 3/3
22 -- 2/2
11 -- 1/1
00 -- 0/0

No help there... as a test I'll change Saphur's value to 05 to FF. He is missing from the list! Wat... I'll change it from 05 to 06 then...
Ah ha! The BP went up two points!

So the byte values are 1st-age 2nd-Pol/War 3rd-Lead/Charm 4th-BP 5th/(6th if there)-Portrait

Brand new historical generals and wives

As a bonus I've successfully added new content(used unused portraits in the game) in wives and generals. I wont spoil the shock and awe of finding them or drag out a "confirmed for brawl" type scenario here. Its possible to add 10-16 more wives and 20 or so generals.

Lurkers lend suggestions here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

징기스칸2 : 원조비사

I've got her! Dahhh, that was a pain. Should have came alot easier then it did.

: ( They cut rulers instead of adding.

Lets see S3 Yuan Dynasty

Charles 1
Kublai Khan
Wang Sik(Wonjong) 왕식

Ruler cut Michael VIII

S2 Genghis Khan
Phillip 2
John Lackland
Genghis Khan
Gojong(died in 1254 so why is he there?)

Ruler cut Muhmud Ala Al-Din

Photobucket Image Hosting
Politics D 11 body points? He sucks worse then Tayan Khan. I guess he is the extra difficult charactor. Korea is not in a good area either. "Border"ing three powerful countries in Jin, Nan Song, and Kamakura Shogunate.

Ming-Zong: Polit D, Lead C, War C, Charm B, Body 13, Age 41
This is Korea's ruler in GK2 Sc4 Wonjong which is backwards unless of course wiki is wrong... hmmm... The hangol is on the money though.

Alright I'm confused.
Photobucket Image Hosting
also lol at Temujin's portrait in the advisor slot

GK3 Korean tracking it down

Photobucket Image Hosting
I saw this yesterday and freaked out a litte. Its true... its DAMN TRUE! Korea did get there own special version of GK3. I am digging hard and deep to acquire it.

韩国 The search goes on

While searching I found a MMO game based on GK era. At first I thought it sounded cool through a translator and my little knowledge of kanji. Then I found the website. Oh man... does that look like a bag of fail.

Juk Sa the 15 year old Tangut couldn't do squat to a filthy half beaten Aybak from the Slave Dynasty. Then "Simone" the turk with her mystical butterfly wings ;->

I noted the AD&D rip off stats & enemies. Then the SW/DW game play and level design.

It was a sad moment for this retro gamer. Hill Giants, Giant Scorpians, Butterfly winged Necromancers from Turkey?

Then again I never played it( and I never will) and if you like WOW & the genghis khan series this is probably the game for you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Genghis Khan 3


First an updated screenshot. I'm looking for that annoying worthless letter knocking the last romanji of the season out of the box.

This website lead to a stark revelation. Genghis Khan 2 clan of the gray wolf is actually Genghis Khan 3 secrets of the Yuan dynasty!

We never got the 1985 release of the first aoki okami game. Its kind of like the Final Fantasy series. Where 3 is actually 6 and 2 is actually 4.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Game overview of Genghis Khan 4

Original text with google translation

"Genghis Khan IV" is a glorious Japanese companies famous strategy game "Genghis Khan" series of the fourth generation from previous generations have been looking forward to the introduction of four generations of the launch, and finally the "Three Kingdoms VI" after listing, introduced the "Genghis Khan IV".
这部游戏同前几代相比,其画面制作、设计更加精细,城市的构造、人物的塑造也有了比较明显的改进。 The game compared with previous generations, its screen production, design more sophisticated, urban construction, the mold People also have a relatively significant improvements. 《成吉思汗》系列同《三国志》系列一样在国内有众多的玩家,这和东方文化的背景是分不开的。 "Genghis Khan" series with "Three Kingdoms" series in the country as a large number of players, and the background of oriental culture are inseparable. 游戏中你可以扮演成吉思汗,来完成这个人类历史上最大帝国的征战史,让您沿着成吉思汗及其子孙开拓国土的足迹,率领蒙古铁骑征服欧亚大陆,建立起一个横跨欧亚的庞大帝国。 You can play the game of Genghis Khan, completed the largest empire in human history, the history of conquests, allows you to explore along the descendants of Genghis Khan and their homeland's footsteps, led by Mongolia Tieqi conquered Eurasia and built a huge empire spanning Europe and Asia .
游戏特点: Game features:
第一、游戏的主地图采用立体的形式展现欧亚大陆的全貌,达到了1600 0X3616的超大规模,可同时在地图上进行内政建设及战争。 First, the main game in the form of three-dimensional map display using the full picture of the Eurasian continent, reaching the 1600 0X3616 the ultra-large-scale, can be carried out on the map and building the internal affairs of the war. 你可以规划以辽阔的欧亚大陆为版图的世界规模战争。 You can plan to the vast territory of the Eurasian continent for the world-scale war. 攻城掠地的军队、来往不息的商队情况,以及实行内政后城市的变化,各种灾害等都可以在地图上看到,游戏画面制作非常精细。 Gongchengluede the armed forces, to and from off the team, and the implementation of the internal affairs of the city after the change, all kinds of disasters and so on a map can see that the game produced a very fine screen.
第二、突出文化水平在国家发展中的重要性。 Second, prominent in national development and cultural level of importance. 通过铺设街道派遣商队进行文化交流,可以提高城市的内政和军事水平。 Through the laying of the street to send teams for cultural exchanges can improve the city's internal affairs and military level.
第三、游戏中如果达到一定条件会出现很多历史事件。 Third, the game if certain conditions will reach a lot of historical events. 如成吉思汗统一蒙古,元朝和南宋同盟灭金等。 If Genghis Khan unified Mongolia, the United Democrats of the Southern Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty out, and so on.
第四、亲族的作用在游戏中得到更好体现。 Fourth, the role of relatives in the game be better reflected. 与其众妃子所生之子成年后即成为誓死效忠的将军,如果担任领主反叛的机率更小。 Feizi people born with their adult son after the death of Allegiance to become a general, if the lords of the probability of a smaller rebel.
第五、独特的屏幕拆分模式。 Fifth, a unique split-screen mode. 可以把庞大的地图在屏幕上拆分成两到四块,同时进行内政开发及战争。 Can be a huge map on the screen split into 2-4, at the same time the internal affairs of development and war. 游戏还可以把地图上的不同位置定义四个热键,对游戏后期管理庞大的帝国提供了极大的方便。 Games can also different locations on the map four hotkey definition of the latter part of the management game provides a huge empire of great convenience.
第六、游戏中多达七百多位出场人物,同上代比较增加了僧兵、海盗、刺客、投石机及攻城塔十几种新兵种,全部兵种达到二十三种第七、游戏以光碟形式推出,其中包括十九首中国、蒙古、欧洲等七个民族各具特色的音乐,每一首都不会让你失望。 Sixth, as many as 700 games in a number of game characters, and an increase of the ibid. monk soldiers, pirates, assassins, trebuchet siege towers and more than 10 new units, all of 23 kinds of arms to the seventh game to CD-ROM Forms launched, including 19 in China, Mongolia and Europe, seven ethnic music with their own characteristics, each of the capital will not let you disappointed.
《成吉思汗IV》运行在WINDOWS95窗口模式,需要1024X768的分辩率下运行该游戏,窗口中的工具条可以完成游戏中的大部分各种操作。 "Genghis Khan IV" operation in WINDOWS95 Window mode, the resolution 1024 X768 need to run the game, the window of the tools in the game to be completed in most of the various operations.
《成吉思汗IV》提供两个历史背景选单: "Genghis Khan IV" provide the two historical background of the menu:
一、奔驰于草原上的狼(1189年)这个年代中提供三十个国家可供选择。 First, Mercedes-Benz on the grassland in the wolf (1189) provided in this age 30 countries to choose from.
二、苍狼的末裔(1271年) 有二十七个国家可供选择。 Second, at the end ethnic Canglang (1271) 27 countries to choose from.
这两个年代中,分别选择蒙古和元朝最容易也最符合历史,大多数玩家可能都选这两个。 These two years, Mongolia and the choice of the Yuan Dynasty were most likely to have the most history, the majority of players are probably the two elections. 如果要难度高些可选高丽、威尼斯等将军少又四面树敌的国家。 If more difficult optional Korea, Venice and other generals and four small Shudi country.
游戏的回合时间与前作相比,在春、夏、秋、冬四季中又增加了新春和盛夏两个季节,给玩家提供充分的时间。 Game time round compared with before, in the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons have been added in the spring and summer season two, to provide sufficient time audience.
进入游戏后,你会看到巨大的欧亚地图。 After entering the game, you will see huge map of Europe and Asia. 用鼠标点击地图中的城市,就会出玩该城市的情报,如果是本国城市,城市情报面板上会出现各种命令按钮,下面将各命令解释如下: Use your mouse to click on the map of the city, will be playing to the city's intelligence, if it is their city, town intelligence panel will appear on the various command buttons, below the order explained as follows:

城市情报一般:城市的简单资料。 General intelligence City: City of simple information.
文化:城市目前的文化水平。 Culture: the cultural level of the current city.
收支:城市的收支情况。 Balance of payments: City of expenditure and revenue.
特产品:本地出产的特产品及出产数量。 And special products: local production of special products and production volume.
宝物:该城市的宝物,可提高文化值。 Treasures: the city's treasures and to improve cultural values.
交易:特产品的通商的线路及交易数量。 Transaction: special products of commercial lines and number of transactions.
征兵:该城市可供征的兵种。 Conscription: the city levy for the armed services.
城市命令委任:对直辖城市委任,对城市多时很有用。 Order the appointment of cities: the cities directly under the appointment of the city for a long time very useful.
积极攻击:放弃内政攻击敌国城市消极攻击:不断派军队滋扰敌人城市重视运输:对指定城市进行补充重视内政:积极进行城市内政建设领主:任免该城市领主。 Active attacks: to abandon attacks on the internal affairs of negative attack enemy cities: constant nuisance to send troops to the enemy city transport: the designated cities added to the internal affairs: actively building lords city's internal affairs: the appointment and removal of the city lords.
卖出:卖出粮食。 Ask: sell food.
买入:买进粮食。 Bid: buy food.
放逐:开除属下将军。 Exile: expelled from their general.
录用:录用本城市在野将军。 Recruitment: the city of hiring the opposition generals.
结缘:把你的女儿嫁给属下将军,他会成为你的亲戚,誓死效忠于你。 Jieyuan: your daughter to marry under the generals, he will be your relatives, the death allegiance to you.
宴会:在宴会中和你的将军们谈谈话他们的忠诚会提高;和你的妃子谈话就可以和她同房。 Banquet: at the banquet of the generals and you talk about their loyalty will improve and you can talk Feizi and her roommate.
国家情报国:该城市所属国家的情报。 National Intelligence country: the city owned national intelligence.
将军:该城市所属国家全体将军的情报。 General: the city of all the country's general intelligence.
军队:该城市所属国家全部军队的情报。 Army: the city all the country's military intelligence.
街道:该国在建和建成的全部街道情报。 Street: the completion of the construction of the entire street intelligence.
征兵:决定下个季节是否征兵。 Conscription: decide whether the next season of conscription.
命令按钮军:组建属于本城市的作战部队。 Army command buttons: the formation of urban combat troops.
输:对远征的部队或本国其它城市进行补给。 Loser: the expeditionary force to other cities or national supply.
劳:组建劳动部队进行内政建设及修建街道。 DR: organized labor forces and building the internal affairs of the construction of streets.
使:派遣使者进行外交活动。 Make: to send envoys of diplomatic activities.
间:派遣间谍部队对其客观存在国家城市做间谍活动。 Inter: dispatch of troops to its objective existence of espionage National Urban spying activities.
动:移动该城市将军到本国其它城市。 Fixed: Mobile of the city generals to other cities in the country.
商:在两城市间建立商路,交易本城市的土特产,有利于提高文化水平,增加城市收入。 To: the establishment of Shang Lu between the two cities, the city's native products of this transaction, will help improve literacy, increase city revenue.
住:派将军去建立新的城市。 Accommodation: send generals to create a new city.
外:把将军调到城外驻守。 Outside: transferred to the General stationed outside the city.
解:解散将军的劳动部队或军队。 Solution: the dissolution of the general labor force or the army.
内政建设内政建设是富国强兵的前提。 Construction is building the internal affairs of the internal affairs of Fuguojiangbing the premise. 《成吉思汗IV》中的内政建设很有特色,城市的发展在地图上都可以直接看到。 "Genghis Khan IV" in the internal affairs of the construction of many characteristics, urban development on the map can be seen directly.
内政设施: Interior facilities:
田地:提高农耕文化,秋天可以收获粮食。 Field: improving farming culture, the grain harvest could fall.
牧场:提高畜牧文化,秋天可以收获粮食。 Ranch: raising livestock culture, the grain harvest could fall.
武器作坊:提高兵器文化,并可以开发新的兵种。 Weapons workshops: improving weapons culture, and to the development of new arms.
练兵所:提高战术文化,建设越多征兵越便宜士气越高昂。 By training: improving tactical culture, the more the building of conscription the cheaper the more high morale.
制材所:提高建筑文化,加快设施的建设速度。 Lumber by: improving cultural construction, speed up infrastructure construction speed.
大学:提高学术文化,容易录用到优秀的人才。 University: raising the academic culture, easy to hiring the best people.
美术作坊:提高艺术文化,将军的忠诚度不容易降低。 Art workshop: To improve arts and culture, the generals loyalty is not easy to reduce.
医院:提高医术文化,使受伤的士兵加快康复。 Hospital: To improve medical culture, to speed up the rehabilitation of injured soldiers.
工艺所:提高工艺文化,提高特产品的产量。 Process by: improving technology culture, improve the production and special products.
城镇:建设城镇可在春秋增加城市的收入。 Cities and towns: building cities and towns in the Spring and Autumn increase city revenue.
村庄:建设村庄每回合城市的士兵会增加。 Villages: the building of urban villages each round of the soldiers will increase.
扩建:对该城市进行扩建。 Expansion: the expansion of the city. 每个城市规模的上限是8,扩建后才利于城市中其它内政设施的修建。 Every city is the maximum size of 8, after expansion to other cities in the internal affairs of the construction of facilities.
街道:修建连接城市之间的街道。 Street: the construction of the link between the city streets.
街道作用:城市之间的街道修通后,可以在两城市间建成立商路交易特产品,交流文化,部队在街道上的行军速度也可以大幅提高。 Streets role: City streets between the repair later, the two cities can be built in the establishment of special products Shanglu transactions, cultural exchanges, the troops marched in the streets can also substantially increase the speed.
自然灾害游戏中有地震、台风、老鼠、寒流、蝗虫五种自然灾害,出现这些灾害都会使你的建筑设施受损,城市收入减少。 Natural disasters game in the earthquake, typhoon, rats, the cold spell, locusts five natural disasters, such a disaster will make your building facilities damaged, city revenue.
外交策略外交是国家生存发展的必要手段之一,如果做得好,将会是你建立大帝国的捷径:在自身较弱时可通过外交同盟增强实力;攻城掠地时可找人助一臂之力。 Foreign policy diplomacy is national survival and development of the necessary means one of, if done well, you will be a shortcut to the establishment of empire: in their own weak through diplomatic alliance can enhance the strength of Gongchengluede can help people find a hand .
盟友:和某一国国王结成联盟,共同防御对敌。 Ally: a King and the alliance, a common defense enemy.
婚姻:把自己的女儿嫁给某国国王,增加两国的友好度。 Marriage: their daughter married a King, an increase of the bilateral friendly.
断交:和昔日的盟国解除同盟关系。 Severed diplomatic relations: the past and its allies to lift alliance. 在进攻盟国之前最好先断交,不然其它国空对你的友好度会大幅降低,你手下将军的忠诚也会降低。 In a good idea to attack U.S. allies before breaking off of diplomatic relations, or other countries friendly to your empty degrees will greatly reduce your loyalty to his generals will reduce.
威摄:威胁弱国国王臣服于你,作用不大。 Deterrence: the threat to the weak king to heel you, of little use.
赠送:赠送金钱给某国国王提高友好度,使他尽量不要向你进兵。 Gift: a gift of money to improve the country's friendly, he advised not to make you into soldiers.
共斗:希望某国国王和你共同进攻其它的国家。 A total Doo: wish to have a king and your co-offensive to other countries.
间谍工作对敌国派遣间谍部队进行间谍工作在和平时期可以抑制他国的发展,战争时期可以摧毁敌国的内政,减少本国战争中伤亡。 Spying on the enemy troops to send spies to carry out espionage work in times of peace can inhibit the development of his country, in time of war could destroy an enemy country's internal affairs, reduce their own casualties in the war.
反叛:煸动敌国将军到你这里来。 Rebels: Bian dynamic enemy generals to you here.
叛乱:煸动敌国将军起兵造反。 Rebels: Bian dynamic enemy, General Qibing rebels.
流言:使敌国军心动荡兵将士气下降。 Rumor: that the military unrest enemy soldiers morale dropped.
纠纷:挑起敌国间发生战争。 Disputes: provoke a war between the enemy.
暗杀:派间谍部队杀死敌国国王或将军。 Assassination: send spies to kill enemy troops or generals King.
破坏:破坏敌国的城市或设施。 Damage: the destruction of enemy cities or facilities.
捣乱:对敌国的内政建设进行骚扰。 Trouble: the construction of an enemy country's internal affairs harassment.
战争战争的意义就是攻占敌方的城市,扩大自己的实力,最终实现统一。 War is the meaning of war captured the enemy's cities to expand their own strength, the ultimate realization of reunification. 在战争中用最小的代价换取最大的胜利是战争的原则,战斗中减少士兵伤亡十分重要,因此合理运用计策是战争中必不可少的部分。 In the war used the minimum price for the biggest victory of the principles of war, soldiers fighting in the reduction of casualties is very important, the rational use of trick is an essential part of the war. 游戏中每回合自动征兵,征兵的数量取决于村庄的数量,每个城市的士兵数量上限为50000。 Round automatically every game in the recruitment, recruitment depends on the number of villages in the number of each city the maximum number of soldiers to 50,000. 当达到上限时应该停止征兵,避免浪费城市收入。 When reached on the time limit should stop military recruitment, to avoid waste of city revenue.
《成吉思汗IV》中有几种部队概念,如劳动部队、交易部队、间谍部队等,但只有在军事命令中编制的部队才有战斗能力。 "Genghis Khan IV" There are several forces in the concept, such as the labor force, trading units, such as espionage forces, but only in the military command in the preparation of the troops have combat capability. 当部队的任务完成后回到城中可以用“解”这个命令解散部队,减少城市的支出。 When the task force after the completion of the city can return to the "solution" to dissolve the order, reduce city spending.
《成吉思汗IV》的战斗分为野战和攻城战,和上代不同的是战斗画面也变为15X15的地图,给玩家提供更大的战斗空间。 "Genghis Khan IV" into the field of battle and siege warfare, and fighting is different from previous generations also screen the map into 15 X15, to the audience to provide greater battle space.

职位最大带兵和国王关系国王1000 Posts the largest troops in relations between the King and King 1000
王族1000 国王的直系亲戚(儿子) 1000 King of the immediate royal family (her son)
克壁800 国王的兄弟、侄子或叔辈同乡600 800 grams of wall King's brother, uncle or nephew generation Association 600
异乡600 Away-600
战略命令攻击:攻击旁边任何敌国部队(军事部队、劳动部队、交易部队等)。 Order attack strategy: attack next to any hostile forces (military forces, labor forces, trade forces, etc.).
掠夺:对他国设施进行破坏,你的部队也可以得到粮食和金钱补充。 Plunder: the destruction of the facilities available to other countries, your forces can also receive supplementary food and money.
战斗命令伏兵:在敌人部队埋伏减少敌军兵数。 Fubing fighting an order: the enemy troops in an ambush reduce the number of enemy soldiers.
鼓舞:使自己部队士气上升。 Encouraging: to increase the morale of their troops.
混乱:使临近的一只敌军陷入无法指挥状态。 Confusion: the approach of the enemy into a state can not command.
反叛:使敌将叛变加入我方。 The rebels: the enemy's will to join our mutiny.
撤退:我方部队退出战场。 Withdrawal: our troops to withdraw from the battlefield.
重编:重新调整部队编队。 Renumbering: re-adjustment of the formation.
城门:让投石机、攻城车等部队攻击城门。 Shing Mun: Let trebuchet, siege and other military vehicles attacked the Shing Mun.
部队的攻击命令普通攻击:一般的攻击。 Troops ordered the attack ordinary attack: general attacks.
突击:集中全力进攻敌人一个部队,给敌人造成很大的伤害,自己损失也很大。 Surprise: a focus on full attack enemy forces, to cause great harm to the enemy, their losses are great.
弓箭:用弓箭射杀敌人。 Bow and arrow: archers shoot the enemy.

游戏技巧《成吉思汗IV》游戏规模庞大,如果没有街道,军队在巨幅的地图上从东亚到欧洲要用游戏中几年的时间,整个欧亚大陆几十个国家、城市要逐个攻占需要很长的通关时间。 Game skills, "Genghis Khan IV" large-scale game, if not the streets, the huge army on the map of Europe from East Asia to use the game in a few years time, the entire Eurasian continent dozens of countries and cities to take a long-by-attack The operating hours.
1、游戏初期尽可能的搞好内政建设,敌人在头几年一般不会来攻击你的城市,多建城镇、牧场或农田及村庄,先富国强兵。 1, the early game as far as possible, do a good job in the internal affairs of the building, the enemy in the first years of generally not to attack your city, build more towns, villages and farmland or grazing land, first Fuguojiangbing.
2、攻城战最好先把城市周围的敌人消灭完后,立即用几只部队把城市围住后再发动进攻,这样可几只部队同时攻城,战斗的胜率要高很多;如果你用一只部队很难把城攻下来。 2, the best first siege warfare around the cities of the enemy to eliminate the latter, with few forces immediately surrounded the city after the attack, this can be a few units at the same time siege, the battle to winning is much higher if you use It is very difficult to force a city added to.
3、城市攻下后应立即修建街道把本国城市连接起来,派遣商队进行交易,有利于本国文化水平提高,城市收入增加;街道还可以加快部队行动的速度。 3, the city scored immediately after the construction of roads linking the cities of the country, to send teams to trade and is conducive to raising their educational level, urban income increased street can also accelerate the speed of operation.
4、如果想要多生子女最好每次宴会只和一个妃子交谈,体力不要用太多,这样妃子怀孕的机会很高。 4, if you want more children the best health-per-only banquet and a chat Feizi, physical Do not use too much, so the chance of pregnancy Feizi high.
5、多用外交手段。 5, the use of diplomatic means. 如和强国先结盟,消灭弱国壮大自已实力后再把他解决。 Such as the first and powerful alliance, to eliminate the weak grow their own strength after his resolve.
6、本国城市的领主最好用自已儿子担任,他们一般都不会叛乱,不然小心当你在外征战时后院起火。 6, the feudal lords of their own cities the best use of their own son, they generally are not rebels, otherwise careful when you fire back when outside conquests.
7、 如果你的城市和敌国的城市距离较远,不妨用“住”这个命令派遣一个将军去敌国城市附近建一个新的城市。 7, if your enemy's cities and further away from the city, may wish to use the "live" order to send a general to an enemy country near the city built a new city. 这个城市可以不用发展,用“输”命令叫本国其它城市对它进行补给,减少部队在路上时间(每只部队只能带十二回合的粮食)。 The city can not, "lose" their orders called to supply it to other cities, reduce the time on the road (with only 12 units each round of food).
8、 游戏中钱、粮和士兵数量的上限都是50000,当到到上限时就不要再修建城镇、村庄等设施,多建些文化、军事设施来提高城市的文化水平。 8, played in money, food and the maximum number of soldiers is 50,000, when to not to have to limit the construction of towns, villages and other facilities, build more cultural and military facilities to improve the city's cultural level. 在《成吉思汗IV》中文化水平的高低对国家影响很大,军事文化高士兵作战才勇猛、士气才高昂;文化水平高才可以找到优秀的人才来辅佑你建立大帝国。 "Genghis Khan IV" in high and low cultural level of significant impact on the country, the military culture to combat high brave soldiers, morale was high; literacy Cai Gao can find the best people to Fu-you build your empire.


I found a complete faq to GK2 on a japanese website yesterday. This page is awesome. HIDDEN STATS anyone? Not just for women but for generals too!

I always knew Gori Subech was trecherous but I didn't know that this was due to a loyality score/stat. Besides being related there are two values "high" and "low". Of course Gori Subech has a low stat. Also listed are regular stats for female children. Chaur Beki has pol C!? WAT? They must have these values as children because they don't as a wife.

Also looking through this Ahmad(Yuan) has low loyality? I'll have to relook at the info that Dave provited about ruler/general values and maybe I can find the loyality stat by bouncing the values off this info.

Sunday, September 7, 2008



Today, I plotted a course for future events... but first-!

I am continuing work on Super Aoki and I've translated 100% of the men and 70% of the women so far. In midpoint of this(hexing the women) today I realized... "Hey, do they have seperate personalities?" I've beaten the PSX version many times and played through scenario 1 of Super Aoki and now its dawned on me. Duh...

Greedy type- Gifts and jewelry lest you be a serious sweet talker and press all the right buttons(I tend to ignore the difficult ones but once I used the bribe/gift command and got a nice heart meter boost)

Shy/submission type-Be smooth and forceful

Cool-She is that. Shes not stupid, shy, or greedy.

Drama-She loves adoration, attention, and stories.

Don't think because her back is turned to you that she is shy. The lady in the screen above is Khaidu's daughter! AIGIARM is not the woman to mess with! She got her own chapter in Marco Polo's book.

I've typed before that my next project is GK4 for PSX. I wouldn't be above helping on the Brigandine Grand Edition translation though. In fact that would be my next job after GK4 and side project now when I need a break from Aoki Okami.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hexing your family

Super Aoki style!
Today's model will be Saphia wife of Saladin.

The first 11 bytes are her name. Names in Super Aoki are only allowed ten digits. The first byte is the starting point of the name. NEVER start names with "K" when the first byte is K. The game will crash. So everything with (**) is name only.


The first two bytes mean nothing.

0E byte is their location. 0e is Saladin as thats where she is located now within his orudo. Another vaule off the top of my head are 20 for Michael VIII. Hex edit your save game and look at your rulers wife for your value.

FA byte concerns the graphic during the harem mini game. Change FA to EE
Japanese charactor and background graphic.

The last byte <21> is the portrait value. I'm not sure about all of the exact values other then you can toy with it yourself and see all the portraits in game. Hey you can even make a male harem if your so inclined( Richard...)


Friday, September 5, 2008

The Women of Genghis Khan 2+ (updates in post)


As mentioned previously, I assumed censorship of the women was around 60 women in all. Now I think they cut MORE! The main reason behind that is that I've found two caches so far of women in the hex. One for scenario 2 1206 and the other for scenario 4 1189. Each has 30 slots for women! Based on that we could have just as many for scenario 3 1271 and maybe 15 for scenario 1.

Racking up 105 women loaded in the game! That number is really nothing compaired to the men of the game. (561 men?) I'm not talking about random generated women I am talking about women with a preset location in game, historical bases, and maybe a unique portrait!

Genghis Khan 2 Clan of the gray wolf had 20 women( some are little girls!). We are all familar with them but how about I honor them with a blog post dedicated to some of them. I'll have sit down with the psx version and translate the Koei bios another time.
Borte Ujin, ????-???? Advisor, lover, wife, and chief of Orudo #1 Genghis Khan/Temujin
For many years in G Khan's history Borte was the love of his life. The 2008 film Mogol protrays her well. She gave birth to nine children. It possible that only seven of them are actually his. Jagatai is the first son.
Margeret of Hungary, daughter of Bela 3 and wife of Isaac Angelos 2(Isaacius).
She married the 55 year old Angelos at the age of 10! With Isaac she had two children. After Isaac went nuts, was jailed, disposed, regained his position, and died she remarried and had another child Demeterius of Montferrat the future king of Thessalonica. She had three children.

Isabelle of Hainaut 1170-1190 wife Phillip II
Mother of Louis 8 and twins. She died after complications in childbirth. Phillip was close to disposing her before she gave birth to Louis.
Berengaria of Navarre 1165-1230 wife of Richard I
Known as the Queen of England who never set foot in her country. Spent most of her youth chasing Richard around.
Saphina, wife of Saladin
I can not find information on her online. I'll have to sit down with the psx version/GK4 and learn about Koei's rendition of Saladin's "wife". He had 17 kids and four wives.

Maria -Despina- Palaiologina, daughter of Michael VIII & wife of Abaga
Despina Khatun was a political figure and a chess piece in Persian politics.

Cylene, wife of Ghuri (2)
Ghuri was unable to have children and thus the Slave Dynasty was born in his stead.

Isabella, wife of John Lackland
Allan, wife of Togorhul Khan
Nidon, wife of Jamuga
Mualan, wife of Tayan Khan(Baibuka Tayan)
Cabui, wife of Kublai Khan
Beatrix, wife of Frederick (1)
Hachijo, wife of Minomoto no Sanetomo
Hojo Masako, wife of Minomoto no Yorimoto
Horiuchi, wife of Hojo Tokimune
Shara, wife of Baybars
Tarrube, wife of Ala-al-din
Theodora, wife of Michael VIII
Margeret of Burgundy, wife of Charles I

Thats all twenty women in game. I'm going to have a hell of a time with the 85 other women in game ;) I've already got three of them the easiest ones of course! See the first screen shot.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Moving to 20% completion


I'll have to do some serious play testing. There is a long block of names that are in unfamilar locations. Either these are the cut wives or perhaps something else

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Project notes


Right now I am having issues with Masoud Bey... Mas'ud Beg I should rename him. Everytime I change his name to english it crashes the game.
Stupid lowly administrator of Bukhara!

I posted the hex editing info below as a guide for me to remember when translating. Alot of times it seems like the last charactor in the name is marked with an "H" and thats the end point. With Beg thats not the case.

Also I am going to try a suggestion from about using the BSNES emulator to overcome the "view battle off" gamecrasher.


Hex editing guide for Genghis Khan 2 SNES by Dave

I've taken this from gamefaqs message board.

Unit's should each be about 22-23 bytes long, and should look something like..


The first 12 = The units name, in this case Genghis Khan.

The next two byes I am unsure about their exact function.. all I'm positive about here is it isn't also part of the naming values. If you try naming a unit 13-14 letters the game glitches. As far as I know it's best to keep the next two values at {00} (or, in the event they're different, the default which they started as.)
(so.. the second value after the 12 naming ones) is used for which country the general can be recruited from. still have no idea what the first value does, though.
The value after that: {FF}

Is for bodypoints.

FF -- 15/15
EE -- 14/14
DD -- 13/13
CC -- 12/12
BB -- 11/11
AA -- 10/10
99 -- 9/9
88 -- 8/8
77 -- 7/7
66 -- 6/6
55 -- 5/5
44 -- 4/4
33 -- 3/3
22 -- 2/2
11 -- 1/1
00 -- 0/0

Are the values you can use there. x)

The value after that: {42}

Is for both politics and war.

77 -- 9/9 (glitched again, but still higher than 66)
66 -- (glitched visually, shows nothing.. still higher than */* though)
55 -- */*
54 -- A/*
53 -- B/*
52 -- C/*
51 -- D/*
50 -- E/*
45 -- */A
44 -- A/A
43 -- B/A
42 -- C/A
41 -- D/A
40 -- E/A
35 -- */B
34 -- A/B
33 -- B/B
32 -- C/B
31 -- D/B
30 -- E/B
25 -- */C
24 -- A/C
23 -- B/C
22 -- C/C
21 -- D/C
20 -- E/C
15 -- */D
14 -- A/D
13 -- B/D
12 -- C/D
11 -- D/D
10 -- E/D
05 -- */E
04 -- A/E
03 -- B/E
02 -- C/E
01 -- D/E
00 -- E/E

Are the appropriate values there..

The value after that one, {44} is for both lead and charm. Again the values above can be used for editing these stats. =)

After that; {2C}:

Is for age.

I didn't bother to write down any values for this since it's 255 different ones.. if you know basic hex you'd know {FF} = 255 and {01} = 1 etc :) so it's easy enough to just assume which age is close to what you want it set as.

The value after age {23} again i'm not 100% sure of. All I've managed to figure out is if it's set to {41} the unit starts plagued and will die the turn afterwards. ;D
The value after: {03} is for his rank.

01 -- Neutral
02 -- Married/Related
03 - Ruler

The value after that: {04} is for the units picture. If this value is set to {00} the last value after this one {04} {00 in this case} is also used for characters picture. It's hard to explain, but in the address above/below..


Normally {04} is where the value ends. It tells the game to use Genghis Khan's picture for the unit Genghis Khan. If you change {04} to {00}, the next {00} value also becomes the characters picture, but, not "important characters" like Genghis Khan or Muqali, so for instance if we changed the address to:


Instead of keeping it at:


Genghis Khan's picture changes to an "unimportant" mongol in a red and yellow hat, with a brown shirt and black moustache instead of Genghis Khan. Hopefully that makes sense. =)

As for actually editing states, I did check around with that but I didn't experiment much with it. Aside from their name which is I think 14-15 bytes long, all states share another 9 bytes..


All I really figured out checking it, is..

1st (byte) - Seems to effect turn order, but I don't know how it's calculated yet.. I didn't really look into it but A0 for example represents Genghis Khan and his "1" state. "CC" is state 7. So it isn't like {01} is the value for 1, {07} is 7 etc which is mildly confusing, also if you try to switch this value with another state (say 7--) to control 7 the game glitches/freezes also.
2 - ?
3 - ? (Seems all states have this set as 7E so I left it alone.)
4 - ?
5 - ?
6 - ? (Again seems all states have this set as 7E so I left it like that once more.)
7 - Incharge the wife name/sprite, I only tested this once so I only know the values:

30 - Strange glitch :) starts with a wife named "your orders?" who if you spend time with says "Ooh.. I feel so sick." After a turn she'll die, and if you spend time with family after that the ruler will spend time with the advisor instead, who usually remarks; "Young children are such a joy!"
AB - Borte. (Genghis Khan's)
BD - Nidon. (Jamuga's Wife)
E1 - Mualun. (Tayan Khan's)

8 - ?
9 - ?

So as you can see it's really limited as I spent little to no time on it at all. I'm pretty sure I could figure it out of I really looked into it since one of the things I managed to do playing around with states was start in Poland, except it was majorly glitched because I don't know what the function is of maybe 70% of the values above. =)

(I started in Poland with a bunch of general's named like UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU393093) 0 population, loyalty, troops, economy, farming, 8000+ food and 15000+ gold.)

So I guess it is possible to start/play in other states, although for it to work I think you would have to change a few things.

a) Find where the start up values for generals starting in certain states are stored. One problem with Poland is it tried loading a list of start up generals that didn't exist so I was left with a long list of nonsensically named units. I think in order for that not to glitch you would have to give Poland say, the generals Genghis Khan in state 1 starts off with. Also..

b) Give him family. All countries you can't play have no family set to them; one of the things I tried to do when I started as Poland was spend time with family but the advisor (also horribly named like UUUUUUURRRRUUUUUUUUU)(#)$(#)) said I didn't have one. (Which would also explain why if you take over places like Poland in the game, no matter the year, you never seem to capture the son of a ruler.) So without borrowing again maybe Genghis Khan's wife for example it would be impossible to give birth to a successor playing as states you normally can't. I didn't bother to check if two rulers could share the same wife (and if it would glitch in anyway) but.. I'd assume that's probably possible.

haha and probably historically accurate too.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Got you Super Aoki



There it is I now know where whats what as far as names and countries go! Given a few days this project will be at 20% already!



HAHA! Already! I just picked up hex editing on sunday and monday I am cracking compressed japanese! With that I got some more attention to this project. With any sort of progress you got problems. The roms I'm using are still bad dumps in that they crash if battles are turned off.

Eventually, I hope to see non lurker and people with treasure and tribute! lol, if you have Aoki Ookami for sega cd or Super Comboy you have treasure my friend! GOLD! If any site online claims they have have Aoki Ookami for Sega CD they are full of it. What your downloading is the PSX remake that will work with psx emulation but not sega cd emulation! If you have played the 2007 copyrighted cell phone game of aoki Ookami I'd love to hear from you also!

I've read some Japanese message boards conversations about making a American scenario and expanding the world map. I'd love to bridge the US, Chinese, and Japanese communities on this game. First... the US community has to be built...( for GK4)

anyways off to the hex editor...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Super Aoki Ookami translation project

The project is off and running. The easiest managable project to get the Aoki Ookami train going is a simple translation of the SNES cart. It will give the community at large an idea of what the game is like and things to come.

The project has Dave(antihero) and I hex editing/translating. The first order of business for me is finding the romanji values in the game.

Unfortunately, I can not begin this on the bad dumps of roms I find throughout the internet. I have not found a version of Super Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika- Gentyou Hishi that does not crash after battles when the battles are turned off. That familar jingle "DA DA DA DA DUNNNN!" After one side has defeated another does not sound and the game freezes.


For now I'll find the values but working with a bad dump seems like bad idea. :(