"Is that lipstick on your collar?"
Below are two examples of what your goal should be the bar full in one color. Now the color system I am not 100% sure on. Its common knowledge that red is hot and blue is cold.
As her heart meter increases she will get close to your ruler. If it decreases she will move away. When its full both Ruler and Wife will embrace and the angels will sing thee to rest ; )
Another thing to note is that the heart meter is 20 points in relation to the body points meter. Most of these options can increase the meter by 1-8 points or decrease it 1-5 points.
These are not direct translations but they are not completely off the mark.
Many times I notice unless the intented is talking about how "she misses me so" [hearts] [hearts] this system can be random as everything else is in the game. Some women are bashful, some play hard to get, or tackle you, and others truely do seems to love your ruler. Unfortunately there isn't a dismiss wife icon ; )
The GIFT, LEAVE, and CHAT options have no submenus. They go directly into;
GIFT: Either you'll anger your wife and her meter drops or you will pay money out of your countries pocket to get a nice boost(4-9 points) to her meter with the added bonus of turning her bar red.
CHAT: This is where the game takes ALL of its usually wife chit chat. "Don't put to much trust in General A" "Son B is a charming Boy!" "ALL YOU EVER THINK ABOUT IS WAR BLARG!" You know the usual. I have an unproven theory that some of those statements help out your child stats. One thing they do do is give you hints at your child's strengths and the loyality of some officers.
LEAVE: Leaves the subgame and returns to your countries menu.
Alright down to business with the submenus. If the above image doesn't help leave comments on why and I will clarify.
If any of these fail your wife's meter will drop 2-5 points.
1: Astrology- Ruler talks about how the stars are in favor of the two of them. Works well to increase her meter by one point and change color of her bar to red.
2: This never worked well for me. For now I'd advise avoiding it!
3: Policy- Ruler talks about them? Same as 1.
4: Two face- Ruler gets down to one knee and tells a passionate story. When this works her meter will always go to red.
5: See 2! ;)
BRAGGING! These worked well on shy or hard to get wives.
1: "We are so tough. Our Weapons and tactics can't be beat!" Your Ruler flexs and steam comes out of his mouth. 1-3 point increase with a red effect on bar.
2: "My subjects are all loyal..." The Ruler bobbles his head proudly. Same as 1.
3: "My Army kicks ass!" The Ruler bobbles his head proudly. Same as 1.
4: "I am the Fist of the North Star! OMG!" Same as 1
5: "My empire is the largest in the world!" Same as 1
6: "I beat up so and so and crush his army!" Same as 1.
These options raise her meter quickly but turn it blue. I am unsure if its a fact that the color effects the probability of getting children out of the encounter or not...
***1: Stare: Stare into your her eyes. THIS IS THE QUICKEST WAY TO INCREASE HER METER! The bonus sometime is 6-11 points! But the bar darkens or goes to blue.****
2: Wear heart on sleave: Ruler talks about running away from it all or watching the setting sun. Wife either melts or tells a sarcastic story about a flower dieing in the winter. :/ Good boost. 5-7 points bar darknes or goes blue.
3: Sweet Talk: Ruler expresses himself as hearts pour out of his head. Good boost. 5-7 points bar darknes or goes blue.
4: Bleeding Heart: Ruler gets sappy. Same as 3 but seems to work less.
Each of these uses 1 or 2 body points. I am not 100% sure on what effects Politics or Charm have here. No doubt Charm play an important role here.
I've had many fun experiences with this. I have to say I was intimidated a little at first. Then it became easy after exploiting the save/load state alittle. I didn't spoil everything infact I left out a few hilarious bit you'll have to find out yourself!
Once again if something doesn't sound right or I made a mistake somewhere please do leave a comment.
I forgot to note that my record for geting a full bar is 2 body points! Thats was a whole lot easier then using the usual amount with normal play! I just stared at her(Qulan my favorite Mongol wife/Genghis's IRL second wife after Borte) twice and BAM! Score!
Also note that I've seen a full blue bar produce a higher chance for a female then male.
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