Oh yeah... he sucks... HARD! I could see him doing the berries and cream dance! As you see above is a rough translation of a GK4's personal stats. The important ones that we are looking at are ranged from 01 the worst to 99 the best. They are politics, combat, and intelligence. I've translated this list from a Japanese fansite and added additional info and images. One small note is that omitted four people due to the fact I was unable to translate. I know these four are from the PUK add on to GK4. We start this off with rank twenty...
20. Takauji Ashikaga, Polit 82 WAR 76 Intelligence 85
He is somewhere within the PUK add on.
19. Hugalu Khan, Polit 77 WAR 86 Intelligence 83
starting off the list we have a new face to the GK series. He is a addition from PUK Scenario 3 1229. Very far representation of Hugalu. He and Kitbuqa Noyan tore up the middle east and sparked mongolian civil and religious war.
18. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, Polit 89 WAR 71 Intelligence 87
Another new face to our beloved series. Japan's Ruler in the PUK scenario 4 1370
17. Jamuga, Polit 72 WAR 83 Intelligence 93
GK2 Stats, Polit B, Lead B, War B, Charm B, Body 14.
Rocking a new portrait that made me think he was a woman at first Jamuga also is a new ruler in the world conquest mode in GK4. Only him and Togorul Khan made the cut from GK2 scenario 1 to GK4 Scenario 1. Jamuga no doubt deserves it. He could have been Genghis Khan had he won. I enjoyed the Mongol movie recently released in theatres. His charactor plays a big role. "There is only ONE sun in the sky!" Indeed, Jamuga, indeed! His wife is pretty cute too! I do think his intelligence/cleverness is overated.
16. Charles V the Wise, Polit 91 WAR 72 Intelligence 85
Another new face from PUK Scenario 4 1370. He is the ruler of France.
15. John Hunyadi, Polit 78 WAR 86 Intelligence 84
PUK Scenario 4 General. By the time you get him though it might be to late!
14. Shams Al-Din, Polit 84 WAR 87 Intelligence 78
13. Edward I Longshanks, Polit 78 WAR 90 Intelligence 83
Four new guys in a row! Damn we really missed out on the good stats! Well, untill that son with straight A and 15 body points is born ;). Longshanks is the son of Henry 3 and is the next in line to rule England. In GK2 he is no where to be found.
12. Muqali, Polit 78 WAR 91 Intelligence 84
Muqali is one of Genghis Khan most loyal general and he is really good. Comparing him to history I personally feel he is a little overated. If your trying to get him in Scenario 1 of GK2 recruit from 6 or 1 from the promote a general screen. Muqali isn't a starting general in GK4 and I've yet to look for him.
11. Zhu Yuanzhang, Polit 91 WAR 72 Intelligence 92
Founder of the Ming Dynasty. Southern China Ruler in the PUK 1370 Scenario.
10.Kublai Khan, Polit 87 WAR 85 Intelligence 84
GK2 Stats, Polit B, Lead B, War B, Charm A, Body 14
The Great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty makes the top ten.
10.Baybars, Polit 78 WAR 94 Intelligence 85
GK2 Stats, Polit C, Lead C, War A, Charm B, Body 13 Baibars is an outstanding ruler to start of with in GK4. He has a kid, great stats including a S in horse units, two cities, and a few good generals.
7. Bayan, Polit 77 WAR 95 Intelligence 86
General of Kublai Khan. The highest ranked non ruler. Bayan deserves it. I conquered the world with him doing all the work one game in GK2.
7. Saladin, Polit 83 WAR 91 Intelligence 84
GK2 Stats, Polit B, Lead A, War B, Charm A, Body 13. I really liked the way they portrayed Saladin in the movie "Kingdom of Heaven". Saladin would have earned himself a noble peace prize for that. His only flaw is his age.
7. Casimir 3, Polit 94 WAR 79 Intelligence 86
King of Poland(Kazimierz3). A PUK addition.
5. Mongke Khan, Polit 86 WAR 84 Intelligence 91
PUK addition and star of the first additional scenario.
4. Batu Khan, Polit 82 WAR 96 Intelligence 83
Son of Joti/Jochi and PUK addition/star of the first scenario.
3. Timurlane, Polit 80 WAR 98 Intelligence 91
PUK addition and star of the second scenario. I wonder if you can stack decapitated heads in front of sacked city like he did...
2. Genghis Khan, Polit 81 WAR 97 Intelligence 92
Polit C, Lead A, War A, Charm A, Body 15
The legend finally gets a fair shake in the fourth installment. None of this Politics C crap! I was surprized to see he wasn't #1! At this point I figured... "Those guys at Koei probably wanted to have a supreme Japanese dude at #1... but...
1. Phillip 2, Polit 94 WAR 90 Intelligence 98
Polit A, Lead B, War B, Charm B, Body 12,
Really? Wha... why? Look at that godlike 98 intelligence... I have no clue why he should get such a high score. Surely, if he was that skillfull he would have been able to undermind that cruddy John Lackland guy in England...
Honorable Mentions: Rudolf I(77 82 83), Khaidu(74 86 82), William Wallace(56 92 94)
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