Rulers from Top left to right; Kublai Khan(Yuan), Du-Zong(Song), Baibars, Rudolf I, Minomoto(Kamakura), Abaga*(Ilkhanate), Henry 3(Angevin), Phillip 3, Mangu-Temur*, Borqa*, Balban(Delhi), Lorenzo Tiepolo*, Sheng Zhong(Daiviet), & Micheal 8
Rulers from Top left to right; Alfonso X(Spain), Adu Yusuf Yaqub*(Morrocco), Istvan, Khaidu, Malvarman, Al-Muntasir*, Magnus(Norway)*, Charles I, Yaroslav, Boleslav, Hphags Pa, Won-Chong(Korea), & Naratyapate(Pagan)
*Potrait trouble
Looks like Abaga right? Its not Abaga! Its the leader of the Golden Horde Mengu-Temur!
This is Abaga!
Looks like Baybars in GK2, right? Its Al-Muntasir.
*New guys
Mentioned before we have Magnus of Norway joining GK's huge cast. Dandolo was in GK2 but I don't think Tiepolo was. In fact I am 99.9% sure he wasn't in the SNES version.
Why does Dandolo matter? He is the Doge of Venice a new country/ruler of GK4. 1271 Doge is Lorenzo Tiepolo.
Hphags Pa rules Tibet and is not under Yuan's complete command unlike GK2.
Morocco makes an appearance in GK4. Abu Yusuf Yaqub rules in 1271
All the other "new" faces were there in GK2 just not as a selectable ruler. There is no ruler within the game that is not accessable.
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