Ah... a breath of fresh air... new content within an old game. Who would have thought this would be skull cracking and tedious.
My first concern is being accurate and not breaking the game. The only way to be accurate is to read books, wikis, and offical Koei stuff through a translator and balance it all out. Not breaking the game? Testing... constant testing.
Its fun sometimes but very time consuming. I love to read about the exact scenario dates (1185-1189, 1206-1226, 1271-1304) and persons of game interest. If you have any book suggestions to share please do so.
The biggest pains are what portrait to use, fair and balanced stats, and where to place in the game to get it to work( if you have any suggestions on rom hacking tutorials about rom resizing and adding content without breaking game I'd like to see them). I am also considering taking out personas that hold no value in the game. Like Nizami(he blows and is old and why should he have a spot that can be filled with a more interesting person)
This is where you die hard retro gamers can chime in and assist me without actually testing the game or opening a hex editor. I'd appreciate very much some feedback on these stats. These are not set in stone and intelligent feedback will help me reconsider. I am not listing everything I've already added. You'll have to find it yourself when v1 or the beta is released.
Here is a number of historical personas I am planning on putting in the game.
(Port is the value of his portrait)
Innocent 3 (1161-1216) Pol A War E Lead E Charm B BP 10 Port 6E Location 30 S1206
I was toying with the idea of putting Innocent in charge of a number of countries(could still work as a fan mod of S1206). As the Pope was the real ruler power at the time. He was a lawyer before becoming Pope and his nickname is "the lawmaker". He made alot of thing happen and changed things. His military badgering and crusade affairs were horrors and failures. What Pope uses underhand... ahem clever military tactics? Leads the van? Not this one. Two ways to see his role in game. (sans the fan mod)
Catholic rule over the world! With one of the greatest Popes ever to have as a political advisor by your side you smash the barbarians of the world, install you son as the king of Jerusalem, backhand that chump named Genghis, and sort out the affairs of who the real prophet of god was...
The ultimate victory over Christians(in game) would be to take Jerusalem and Rome. Have the Pope as your puppet or better yet your loyal advisor( or whatever you want you scourge of god)!
Guy Lusignan, King of Jerusalem/Cyprus (1150-1195) Pol C War E Lead D Charm B BP 8 Port ?? Location ?? S1185
Guy(pronounced GEE) is often protrayed as a spoiled turd of a man who got his foot in the door to the title of King of Jerusalem. He was most probably the cause of Saladin's ease of victory against the armies of Jerusalem. Is Guy 100% useless? Nah... he is in 1185 the King. He was an ally and a chess peice for Richard I. He could be a symbolic figure to marry your daughter off on and toss in a back country. I think he'd be fun to execute! His placement is a difficult one as there is no Jerusalem in game just 16-Syria.
--I am thinking about giving Guy 16 in 1185 with Reynard as his advisor and piss poor troops/moral/arms and giving Saladin what he had in Syria in Egyqt and making Al-Adil his advisor(giving him a red carpet to smash Guy.The problem with doing that is there is no seperate kingdom code for 16 syria its always with Egypt in the three world scenarios.
Conrad of Monferrat(wiki says 1145/Koei says 1152-1192) Pol C War C Lead B Charm C BP11 Port ?? Location Isaacius2 general roster S1185
He is actually in GK4 his stats are good to (Pol71Combat85Intel82 Military -ABBC). Isaacius 2's brother in law through marriage and skillfully edged his way to become the next king of Jerusalem after Guy's death. Unfortunely, he had alot of enemies and was feared among many Muslims. His men killed and stole from the Hash assassins and in 1192 they killed him. -Also note the fact that he killed Byzantine general Branas after Branas revolted and he was within Isaacius's court in 1185 its a no brainer where his placement should be in game.
---I've added Conrad successfully in game see screen shot---
Tomoe Gozen (1157-1247) Pol E War B Lead B Charm B BP11 Port CC Location 11 S1185
"Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors." —Tale of the Heike
With appearances by Robin Hood and Ivanjo in GK2/3 and so many other personalities that are probably imaginary in GK4 she would be a nice addition to both the general list and the wife list! She is a wife in the PSX remake and has max wife stats making her the best female in game(yes she is better then borte). Hey, you can even marry your daughter off... on... erm...
Rashid Al-din Sinan(????-1194) Pol C War C Lead C Charm C BP 12 Port ?? Location 16 S1185
The Bin Laden of scenario 1. "Old man on the mountain" leading of the hash assassins. A evil sect of bud smoking killers and makers of terror. Saladin hated them with a passion. Hugalu Khan wiped them out. This guy was the standard on which all "assassin guilds" and writs were writen. Sans the dope and the radical "I am the messiah of the apocalypse" speak. He'd be a cool villian to execute... or marry your daughter off on...
--edit--- I'll be back tomorrow to finish this up/add more
Humphery IV of Toron Pol War Lead Charm BP Port ?? Location ?? S1206
Balien of Ibelin Pol War Lead Charm BP Port ?? Location ?? S1206
Henry of Champagne of Toron Pol War Lead Charm BP Port ?? Location ?? S1206
Leopold of Austria