Monday, September 1, 2008

Super Aoki Ookami translation project

The project is off and running. The easiest managable project to get the Aoki Ookami train going is a simple translation of the SNES cart. It will give the community at large an idea of what the game is like and things to come.

The project has Dave(antihero) and I hex editing/translating. The first order of business for me is finding the romanji values in the game.

Unfortunately, I can not begin this on the bad dumps of roms I find throughout the internet. I have not found a version of Super Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika- Gentyou Hishi that does not crash after battles when the battles are turned off. That familar jingle "DA DA DA DA DUNNNN!" After one side has defeated another does not sound and the game freezes.


For now I'll find the values but working with a bad dump seems like bad idea. :(

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