Our model and experiment will be the son of Saladin and a computer generated wive I named "Taqii Oh"(through editing the save state). The son's name is Sartaq.
I will base and bounce information off of Genghis Khan's four sons and Sartaq's three brothers "Abdullah", "Saphur", & "Baldwin-5". Abdullah and Baldwin are from a mother who will remain nameless and Saphur is Saphina's son.
Note: Within each mother is traits that will give great scores in certain stats. Saphina give good Charm and Leadership to her children.
Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24
Sartaq's values
24 23 0f 50 F0
Alright... we have six values(bytes). The last byte looks like the portrait byte. To test I'll change Jochi's value to 18 which I believe is Despina's portrait... wat no change... alright changing to CC
BINGO Value five is portrait!
Since I don't want a typical portrait for Sartaq and F0 is what all his brothers have... I'll change it to AA.
WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE! URGH! I'll change that value quick...
Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24
Sartaq's values
24 23 0f 50 AA
The first value "18", "16" and "24". Jochi is 24 and Jagatai is 22 years of age. So I can see this as being an age value. Ogedei has a 14 value and he is 20 years old.
Gkhan's kids Age "1st value/byte"
Jochi 24 "18"
Jagatai 22 "16"
Ogedei 20 "14"
Tolui 14 "0E"
Saladin's kids Age "1st value/byte"
Abdullah 2 "02"
Saphur 1 "01"
Baldwin5 1 "01"
Sartaq 0 "00"
To test I'll change Sartaq's value to 0A. It works. I did the same for Baldin 5/Saphur and they were ten.
I'll have to use Saphur as the model now.
We know Saphur's mother is Saphina. We know from a chinese faq that Saphina gives LEAD/CHARM.
Yep, confirm. So now we know his stats and Gkhan's sons. We can see which one they are in the other three values.
(added sixth value)
Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23 00
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24 00
Saphur's values
0A 22 34 05 E0 28(I changed his port from f0 to 28/ his age from 1 to 10)
Joti's second value is his Pol/War(see Dave's guide below). No doubt! His third value is his Lead/Charm.
Saphur values validate this theory.
Remember the guide given to us from Dave for Pol/War Lead/Charm
77 -- 9/9 (glitched again, but still higher than 66)
66 -- (glitched visually, shows nothing.. still higher than */* though)
55 -- */*
54 -- A/*
53 -- B/*
52 -- C/*
51 -- D/*
50 -- E/*
45 -- */A
44 -- A/A
43 -- B/A
42 -- C/A
41 -- D/A
40 -- E/A
35 -- */B
34 -- A/B
33 -- B/B
32 -- C/B
31 -- D/B
30 -- E/B
25 -- */C
24 -- A/C
23 -- B/C
22 -- C/C
21 -- D/C
20 -- E/C
15 -- */D
14 -- A/D
13 -- B/D
12 -- C/D
11 -- D/D
10 -- E/D
05 -- */E
04 -- A/E
03 -- B/E
02 -- C/E
01 -- D/E
00 -- E/E
Joti/Jochi's values
18 40 23 06 23
Jagatai's values
16 31 13 0f 24
Saphur's values
0A 22 34 05 E0
Lets see values 1, 2, 3, and 5/6 are all acounted for. The fourth value would have to be body points.
Dave's guide for body points...
FF -- 15/15
EE -- 14/14
DD -- 13/13
CC -- 12/12
BB -- 11/11
AA -- 10/10
99 -- 9/9
88 -- 8/8
77 -- 7/7
66 -- 6/6
55 -- 5/5
44 -- 4/4
33 -- 3/3
22 -- 2/2
11 -- 1/1
00 -- 0/0
No help there... as a test I'll change Saphur's value to 05 to FF. He is missing from the list! Wat... I'll change it from 05 to 06 then...
Ah ha! The BP went up two points!
So the byte values are 1st-age 2nd-Pol/War 3rd-Lead/Charm 4th-BP 5th/(6th if there)-Portrait
1 comment:
thanks so much first of all for always giving me credit, drives me kind of crazy when people rip off anything i've shared online. seems to happen a lot.
second, how's the project coming along? sorry i've sort of dropped from it, school has been way too busy and i haven't had much free time to do anything outside of maybe eating.
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