This is a ips patch not a rom image!
Hot off my computer and tested to work with "Super Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika - Genchou Hishi (J).SMC" filed dated 7/25/97
It should work with other dated versions of the same rom.
I recommend experienced GK2 players only as this is far from complete and new players will be lost.
Having problems? Feedback? Leave a comment.
Excellent, Downloading now!
Thanks for all your hard work, this is going to be awesome.
Quick question, is it supposed to say "YOUR PLAYING BETA V02" when you start a new game?
I must have the wrong file (Snes, right?) because it's mostly kanji, and the words in english are all capitalized, and gibberish.
Ie Temujin is called TEMUJIN(Kanji)RDERS (1) Onon River (Mongol Conquest) is Called "KERULEN RIV"
Ending the turn is "(Kanji) AH DONE, SIR? (Kanji)(Kanji)(Kanji)(Kanji) and other wierdness
Good to hear from you TEP.
"I recommend experienced GK2 players only as this is far from complete and new players will be lost."
The last time edited the begining of the rom I was at v02. Newer version will correct this( I already have).
You see right away the issues I have with making a perfect version. THE FONT AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH IN THE ROM IS LARGE AND SCREAMS AT YOU!
I am self taught and doing this on my free time. I am learning alot of things. I don't understand currently how to extract and insert new fonts into the rom.
As it is now its a proof of concept and a blueprint on where alot of things are inside the rom.
Anyone interesting in playtesting GK3 or GK4 while I work on it would have to stomach this.
Sounds like you got it working though.
Oh sorry, I just assumed I screwed it up, sorry. (That and your blog said .056, and the game said v.02, which really threw me for a loop.)
Other than that, the only trouble I seem to have is the fact I have no clue how the dating sim thingy works, due to the fact it's still in Kanji and I've never played it before.
My patched file is 2,049 kb, done with snes-tool 1.2 (aka snestl12)
I forgot to said this in my last post, I also assumed I didn't patch it properly because I thought the ALL CAPS STUFF meant it was in the original japanese version, that said I'll do my best to break the rom and figure out any bugs/glitches.
You probably already thought of this, and it probably won't work, but couldn't you find/compare the data between the en/jp versions, and rip the translation/font that way instead of doing it whole-cloth?
Sorry if it sounds obvious, but I just wanted to make sure.
I've read three tutorials on inserting and extracting fonts none of them had me saying "OH! Thats how I do it!"
I posted a guide for the harem game earlier in the blog. Its best to use save states. Usually the eye contact works most often and gains the most love points on the bar. I like the harem game. Say you play as Minomoto in the second scenario it takes FOREVER to get a heir with his current wife and when she starts producing a few more Minomoto is on his deathbed. With this system every time you gain land you get an opportunity to add someone to your harem. I've had 18 wives one play through. So Minomoto doesn't have to bother his a unloving and frigid wife with his C pol and 13 body points. The only problem with that is your stuck with five slots for children until they turn ten.
I do have help right now with GK4. Someone with a different set of skills for help.
There are other problems right now but the font is the biggest roadblock.
I didn't think it would help, people tend to find the really obvious stuff... really obvious.
Still if there was a chance that saying that could help you, I'd gladly be captain obvious. :)
Ok a couple nights ago I was playing your beta (Which I named SARTAQ, appropriately enough) and tried combing for bugs, when I posted the bug report, it vanished, so this is a repost from memory.
The Message box for "Issue Orders Yourself?" is too long, and wraps around the screen to the other side.
The cusor for selecting provinces for certain actions (Like diplomacy and the like) causes it to change into 2 upside-down capital "T's" grey, and white at the top (the bottom on a regular "T")
View Merchants is messed up, the text boxes are too small causing the text to run off the screen (And the last 2 letters remain on the screen, stuck to the background when you close the menu)
the merchants are called as follows
Uighur Merchants are called MARINAH follows by 2 kanji that appear after every merchant's type, I'm pretty sure they mean merchant. (AH remains stuck to the screen after closing the menu)
Islamic Merchants are called ELENAHH (followd by the 2 kanji, HH gets stuck to the screen)
Chinese Merchants are Called (Two Kanji different from the "merchant kanki, followed by)AHH (then followed by the "merchant, HH stuck to screen)
And Venetian Merchants are called IVANAHH (followed by "merchant kanji", HH gets stuck
View Home Base is wierd, all the text bubbles have the first line blank with writing on the bottom;
| In addition,
Like this | specialties is called
------------ (SPL)[kanji]) normally the catagories are in brackets, in shorthand IE Generals being called (Rost) Specialties is called (SPL)書) (Not actual kanji shown)
I'll write more as I discover/remember them.
Thank you, that really does help. Most of those are font issues. But everything that is misnamed something strange was my strategy for finding different areas in the rom. Everytime I spotted something that looked like a area for words I typed guesses or just a code that was easy to search for.
65% of the US and Japanese roms are simular. 35% of the Japanese rom is additional material like kanji, katakana, etc menu you might have seen when you were given the option to name your child.
GK2 still has alot of mysteries within it. I'm making an excell document to help people hex edit the game with and I'm almost at a loss when trying to explain the hidden stats for the women in the game.
The FAQ posted in Japanese lists a Health(1-3 0 mean dead) and Love(0-7) stat. Personality traits which transfer onto there child.
Yet within the hex there are only two values to toy and the info within that faq doesn't mesh. The only two women with H2 L6 to have a simular value are Beatrix and Isabelle(D2). Mualan has H2 L6 but her value is E2. Now you could say the "2"part is the same but Borte has H2 L7 and her value E2.
The other issue I've been having with the orginal GK2 rom is figuring out how to change one country say Cin-Kim in Mongolia scenario 3 Yuan Dynasty into Cin Kim in Mongolia now part of the Mamluk Sultanate.
If and when I figure that out I'll be able to do something I wanted to for a long while... make my own scenario! I've got 1250 "Toluid Uprising" 90% planned out.
Shagarat Al-Durr(female ruler), Louis IX, Monke Khan, Oghul Qaimish(female ruler), and Tran-Thai-Tong would be the rulers. I think I spent eight hours today messing with GK2 trying to figure this out.
Cool stuff, I'm going to keep looking for errors, because the more I can find now, The less that will pop up later.
Oh yeah, the text bubble for "appointing the governor of hindustan" wraps around, and covers the adviser's face, causing it to vanish.
"There are Merchants in our territory" is called "{Kanji}erchants are here, sir" with the text bubble wrapping around the screne
Uhh, the Hungarians are called "Hungary K" I don't know if that was intentional or not.
When you buy/sell from merchants, all their funky english names are a mix between red and green, except uighur (Marinah) which is only green.
Their names as colours (lowercase for red, uppercase for green) Uighur's = MARINAH
Islamic = elenahH Chinese= (two red kanji)NAH and Venetian =ivanaAH
I've noticed you shorthand translated the names for the specialties, but the shorthand for spices, "spic" isn't really appropriate...
Uhh the cursor for selecting war on a province is a blue flag (like from the screen showing you your alliances, it when selecting a area to invade, it chooses the lowest part to invade, making it difficult to figure out (in the case of invading 5: hopei, the cursor is actually in 12: some chinese place I always forget.
More to come later.
The Hungarian Kingdom and spices have to many letters to input due to font. When I figure out the font issues I'll have hack pointers to figure out next. Either way I'll have to go in there and re input everything so its not in all caps.
Sorry I haven't responded lately, Computer died, so I won't be able to test the patch for a couple months, I'm on a public terminal at the moment, so don't expect feedback in the meantime.
Keep up the good work, even though I won't be able to see it, I wish for the best.
Hey, comp back up, going to give this another try!
Hey sartaq, can you repload the IPS files, please?
excuse me sartaq but the link is not working:(
Links don't work, lay out a patch once again
Hey there sartaq
The links doesnt work anymore, wonder what happened...
If you are still there, please post The links again, even if 9 years have passed we still love this game
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